By Timur Maryia
Photo by Onela Ymeri on Unsplash
There is a large number of new and outstanding products for skincare, from revolutionary serums to elaborate moisturizers together with pore cleansers appears, whereas sunscreen remains in the background. The leditaftype residue left upon application plus a multitude of fake perceptions on whether it is a must or not become the reason many deliberately ignore the factor as it contributed to their skin care regimen. Yet, beneath this veneer of cosmetic inconvenience lies a fundamental truth: sunscreen can be thought of as the first and foremost line of defense against the sun’s two skin damaging UV types, which are: UVB and UVA.
The Essence of Sunscreen:
Down to its bottom, sun block will help to become a barrier that protects the skin against any bad effects of UV light. The rays of radiation that consist of UVA and UVB fall through the skin and damage the skin’s layers in several ways, such as producing age spots, wrinkles, discoloration, and increasing the risks of skin cancer as a result of the damage. On the contrary they are all on one page on a daily basis, while encouraging sun screens use. They emphasise the indisputably essential nature of sun screen application in any skincare regimen.
Understanding SPF:
In learning about the performance of sunscreen, SPF is definitely the most important thing to know about. SPF is the symbol designating the level of UVB light protection in sunscreens, with the numbers increasing as the protection does so. As a result, an SPF value of 15 lengthens the person’s stay in the sun or is protected from sunburns by a factor of 15. Choose your sunscreen wisely and pick a SPF that gives the most defense against the harmful sun rays (UVA and UVB), the SPF 30 for instance, shields up to 97% of the UV rays.
Types of Sunscreens:
Sunscreens typically fall into two categories: either of category i.e. environmental or human healthful, but encompassing physical and chemical. Whereas the mineral-based physical sunscreen, such as titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, used in them, creates a barrier for UV rays, deflecting them away. On the other hand, the natural sunscreens create a barrier by being reflected by the particles in them unlike the chemical sunscreen which features organic compounds like oxybenzone and octinoxate, which absorb the UV radiation and dissipate it as heat. In a way, chemistry steps in to make sure that you never forget to put on your sunscreen — these products show you where you’ve missed! Contrariwise, the evident sunscreen will differ from the chemical one: while the latter can sometimes be worse for skin, the former may be used without even being realized.
Tailoring Sunscreen to Individual Needs:
Including sunscreen in our routine demands adequately accounting for some factors such as skintype, cosmetic preference, and lifestyle habits. For those individuals who have a darker skin tone or some preference for cosmetics, such as foundation, tinted sunscreens offer them a choice. In that case, using tinted products instead of white creams will help mitigate the noticeable white cast problem. Also, the markets provide a variety of sunscreen formulas, which address various skin requirements, such as moisturizing to oil control. If that’s too expensive, the less expensive is still available for your purchasing.
The Imperative of Diligent Application:
The first step which may be doing by brought is apply the right sunscreen but the follow up step is just as important, that is, its diligent application. Unlike the popular misconceptions, UV radiation penetrates through the clouds and the glasses. Therefore, applying sunscreen and protecting your skin lies in the routine behavior even if weather conditions are bad or you are indoors. Periodic reapplication at a frequency of every two hours is necessary owing to the nature of sun protection. It protects the skin from UV damage hence curbs the skin problems which later arise.
Finally, concerning sunscreen evolves to the point that distinguishes it from only cosmetic benefits to the role with paramount importance in skin protection. Oh, sunscreen, the one skincare product I never skip! In spite of the reservations that might have risen from the cosmetic dilemmas, I concur with the effective application and purpose of sunscreen in any skincare regimen. Engaging the daily use of sunscreen as an unreplaceable skincare routine cornerstone for maintaining healthy and resilient skin in the face of the constant UV radiation assault is one of the top priorities for the protection of skin health. As a summation, sunscreen should therefore be an indispensable part of one’s skin care plan, which is indeed an irrevocable care for prolonging and sustaining skin health.
MCR Committee: Health
The Science of Sunscreen. Harvard Health. (2021a, February 15).
Garrett Munce. Garrett Munce writes about men’s style and grooming. “Yes, There Is a Right Way to Use Sunscreen. This Is It.” Esquire, 31 July 2019,
Sander, M., Sander, M., Burbidge, T., & Beecker, J. (2020, December 14). The efficacy and safety of sunscreen use for the prevention of skin cancer. CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l’Association medicale canadienne.
“Sunscreen Is the Most Important Skin Care Product You Can Ever Use.” Maffi Clinics, 9 May 2017,